AYURVEDIC HERBSVARUNA: Morphology, Therapeutic Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, Precautions, Interactions, and Dosages

VARUNA: Morphology, Therapeutic Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, Precautions, Interactions, and Dosages

Biological classification

  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Division: Magnoliophyta
  • Phylum: Tracheophyta
  • Class: Magnoliopsida
  • Order: Brassicales
  • Class: Magnoliopsida Brongniart
  • Family: Capparidaceae
  • Genus: Crataeva
  • Species: Nurvala

Introduction To Varuna

Crataeva nurvala is an accepted name for a small tree in the genus Crateva and the family Capparaceae. It is known as Varuna in sanskrit. It is also known as Sacred Lingam Tree and Lengam Tree in english. It decreases the kapha and vata Dosha by ushna virya and increases the pitta Dosha. It treats anorexia , pain , liver disorders .

Habitat / place of origin

The species natively occurs in East-Afghanistan, South Western Tibet, Western Nepal, Northern Pakistan, and North-Central India.

Synonyms of Varuna

Sanskrit: Varuna , Tikta Shaak 

Bengali: Varuna

English:  Three Leaved Tree, Sacred Lingam Tree, Lengam Tree

Gujarati: Varno, Vayavarno

Hindi: Varuna, Varna

Kannada: Adhiraaja, Bilpatri, Doddelanage, Bitusi, Hoddelengae

Kashmiri:- Kath

Malyalam: Keli, Niravila, Nirumaliyan 

Marathi: Bhatavarna, Kawan, Hadavarna, Kula

Oriya: Barna

Punjabi:  Barna, Barnahi

Tamil : Maralingami 

Telugu:  Ulimiri Chettu

Unani: Barna

Morphology of Varuna

It is a deciduous , medium sized tree which reaches height of 50 feet

Stem : Bark is smooth dark brown in color branches with purple yellow patches

Leaves : Trifoliate , 8-12 cm long oval leaflets.

Flower: Greenish white , light yellow and fragrant

Fruit: Diameter 2.5cm ovoid resembles lemon on ripening turns to red . Multiple seeds in yellow pulp  

Flowering time: In march

Fruiting time : In June 

Medicinal Parts of Varuna

Bark of stem and root and leaves.

Chemical Composition of Varuna

  • Main chemical available in the herb are flavonoids , tannins , saponins , titerpenes , alkaloids , glucosilinates and plant sterols .
  • Rind or Varuna leaves contains stachydrine , quercetin and isoquuercetin .
  • Fruits contains rich in acetyl alcohol , triacontanol and beta sitosterol .
  • Bark generates alcohol , lupeol , friedelin, diosgenin and botulinic acids.

Ayurvedic Properties of Varuna

Rasa (Taste) :  Tikka, Kashaya 

Guna (Quality) : Laghu , Ruksha

Virya (Potency) : Ushna

Vipak (Post Digestive Effect): Katu   

Parbhav (Effect): Ashmaribhedan

Karma (Pharmacological Actions) of Varuna

Dosha Karma : It Kapha -Vata Shamak And Pitta Vardhak

Sansthsanik Karma (General Indication ): Rakt Utkelshak

Pachnasansthan (Digestive System ): Deepan , Anuloman , Pittasarak , Bhedan , Kirimighan

Raktvahsansthan (Cvs): Raktshodhak

Mutravahsansthan (Urinary System ): Ashmaribhedan , Mutral , Sankrman-Partirodhak

Tapkarma (Thermoregulations ): Jwarghan

Qualities/Effects on Tridosha of ABC Herb

It decreases the kapha and vata Dosha by ushna virya and increases the pitta Dosha by ushna virya.

Formulations of Varuna

  • Varunadi vati
  • Varun powder
  • Mutrakrichantak churna

Therapeutic Uses of Varuna

  • It decreases the kapha and vata Dosha.
  • It is indicated in pain and swelling.
  • Also in fistula formations.
  • Indicated in goiter.
  • Indicated in anorexia , pain , liver disorders , and in worm infestations.
  • Also indicated in stones , dysuria , kidney pain , urinary infections.
  • Indicated in fever.

Dosage of Varuna

kwath= 50-100ml

How can you consume Varuna?

It administered as liquid kwath form and with other formulations.

Benefits of Varuna

  • It is best luteolytic herb and it has been used to treat crystalluria and urolithiasis.
  • Beneficial in treating prostate hyperplasia.
  • Used to cure kidney stones , and kidney disorders.
  • Anti – inflammatory drug , reduce inflammations in rheumatic patients.
  • Used to cure infected lymph nodes of necks , stiffness , and joint pain.
  • Reduces painful urination.
  • Strengthens the urinary bladder muscles.
  • Boots the metabolism.
  • Decreases the extra bilirubin level.
  • It a appetizer.
  • Used in abdominal distension.
  • Treating worm infestations in both adult and infants.
  • It is a blood purifier.
  • Anti diabetic.
  • It is used in UTI.
  • Us ed in benign prostatic hyperplasia.
  • It is used in wound healing.
  • Anti wrinkle.
  • Anti malarial drug.

Side Effects of Varuna

  • Can react with homeopathic medicines
  • It can interact with allopathic medicines

Safety Precautions of Varuna

  • Only under supervision of medical supervision if already on antihypertensive drugs.
  • Not advised in pregnancy.

References & Further Reading

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