Family – Umbelliferae
Biological classification
- Kingdom: Plantae
- Subkingdom: Viridiplantae
- Division: Tracheophyta
- Subdivision: Spermatophytina
- Class: Magnoliopsida
- Order: Apiales
- Family: Apiaceae
- Genus: Cuminum L.
- Species: Cuminum cyminum L.
Introduction To Jeerakdvaya
Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) is a flowering plant in the family Apiaceae. Its seeds – each one contained within a fruit, which is dried – are used in the cuisines of many cultures in both whole and ground form. Although cumin is thought to have uses in traditional medicine, there is no high-quality evidence that it is safe or effective as a therapeutic agent.

Habitat / place of origin
Cuminum cyminum native to the Irano-Turanian Region. Also found in Egypt and Central Asia.
Synonyms of ABC Herb
Sanskrit : Ajaji, Jiraka, Ajajika
Assamese: Jira
Bengali: Jeera, Sadajeere, Shahajeere, Jeere
Gujarati: Gholu Jeerum, Shakanu Jeerum, Jeeru, Sadu Jeerum,
Hindi: Safed Jeera, Jeera, Sada Jeera, Sadarana Jeera
Kannada: Jeerige
Kashmiri: Safed Zoor
Malyalam: Jeerakam
Marathi: Jire, Pandare Jeere
Oriya: Dhalajeera, Dalajira, Jira
Punjabi: Safed Jira, Chitta Jira
Tamil : Cheerakam, Shiragam,
Telugu : Jeelakari, Jelakara, Jeela Karara
Unani: Zirah, Zirasafed
Morphology of ABC Herb
It grows up to 15-50 cm height with long, white roots and it is annual herbaceous plant
Leaves : The leaves are 5-10 cm long, pinnate or bi-pinnate, with thread-like leaflets, blue green in color and are finely divided
Flower: Whitish-red flowers are on a compound umbel
Fruit :, a cremocarp, often separated into mericarps, brown with light coloured 4-6 mm long, 2 mm wide ridges ellipsoidal, elongated, tapering at ends and laterally it is slightly compressed , mericarps with 5 longitudinal hairy primary ridges from base to apex, alternating with secondary ridges which are flatter and bear conspicuous emergences, seeds orthospermous, odour umbelliferous characteristic, taste, richly spicy.
Flowering time: flowers in June and July.
Medicinal Parts of ABC Herb

Plant variety
According to sushrutha
- shukla
- Peeta
According to Dhanvantari nighantu
- Jiraka
- Shukla jiraka,
- Krishna jiraka,
- Vanya jirah
According to Shodala nighantu
- Upakunchika,
- Shukla jiraka,
- Krishna jiraka
According to Kaiyadeva nighantu
- Shukla jiraka,
- Krishna jiraka,
- Kaali kaakaa
According to madanapala nighantu
- Shwetha,
- Upakunchika,
Chemical Composition of ABC Herb
Various chemical constituents such as
- Volatile oil 2.5 to 4.5%,
- 10% fixed oil,
- Proteins, etc.
- 30 to 50% cuminaldehyde in the volatile oil ,
- a-pinene in small quantity
- b-pinene,
- Phellandrene,
- cuminic alcohol
- hydrated cuminaldehyde and hydro cuminine
Ayurvedic Properties of ABC Herb
Rasa (Taste) : Katu ,
Guna (Quality) : Laghu , Ruksha ,
Virya (Potency) : Ushna
Vipak (Post Digestive Effect): Katu
Karma (Pharmacological Actions) of ABC Herb
Dosha Karma : It Is Kapha-Vata Shamak
Sansthanik Karma (General Indications ): Lekhan , Shothhar, Vednasathapan
Pachnasansthan (Digestive System ): Rochan, Deepan, Pachan, Vata Anuloman, Shool Parshamn, Grahi, Krimighan
Raktvahsansthan (Cvs): Utejak, Rakt Shodhak
Mutravahsansthan (Urinary System ): Mutral
Prajanana Sansthan (Reproductive System ): Garbhashaya Shothhar, Satanya Jananana, Vrishya
Tavha (Skin ): Tavak Dosh Har
Tapkarma: Jawarghan
Katuposttik, Balay
Qualities/Effects on Tridosha of ABC Herb
It reduces the kapha and vata dosha by its ushna virya and increases pitta simultaneously.
Formulations of ABC Herb
- Hingwastak Churna
- Dhatri Rasayan
- Jeerakarishtam
- Yogaraj Guggul
- Hingvadi churna
- Jirakadyarishta
- Jirakadimodaka
- Hinguvacadi curna
- jiraka taila
- Jirakadya churna
Therapeutic Uses of ABC Herb
- Gulma
- Adhmana
- Atisara
- Grahani
- Krumi
- Chardi
- Kshaya
- Kushta
- Visha
- Jvara
- And indicated as Ruchya, Kturasyukt, Agni Deepak, Deepan, Jwarnashak, Pachak, Vrushya, Balkarak, Pittkark, Kapha Nashak, Garbhashaya Vishuddhikrut, Chakshushya, Grahi, Sangrahi
Dosage of ABC Herb
3-6 gm OD / BD per day after food.
Anupan : hot water or honey or even ghee
How can you consume ABC Herb?
- For boils or aching body apply paste of cumin seed with water which gives relief from pain.
- Regular intake of boiled water with ground jeera to lactating mothers, to increase the breast milk and which further reduces inflammation of uterus.
- To prevent bleeding from gums & strengthens them massage roasted jeera with rock salt and apply on the gums regularly. Don’t roast the jeera in any kind of oil . Grind it when used
- In common cold take ginger and jeera tea and it Will immediately provide relief.
- To reduce frequency of stools and soothes colon roast jeera with pomegranate juice.

Benefits of ABC Herb
- Worm infestation
- Bloating, gaseous distension of abdomen
- Fever
- Aconitum ferox poisoning
- Skin diseases
- Chronic respiratory disorders leading to emaciation
- Useful in indigestion
- It helps in increasing the appetite and promotes the digestion
- Used in abdominal tumor, and bloating
- Used in malabsorption syndrome
- Used in irritable bowel syndrome
- It is used in nausea and vomiting
- Used in cold, cough,
- It is used to treat respiratory diseases like tuberculosis
- It is used in kapha diseases,hiccups and menstrual disturbances
- It is also used in treatment of piles, skin diseases and leucorrhea,
- It increases the libido and sperm count in males as it is natural aphrodisiac
- It is very good for eyes.
- It is widely used in the treatment of fever specially jirna jawar or chronic fevers
- It gives stamina and strength.
- It also promotes lactation in mothers.
- It is very effective for heart and it prevents heart related diseases.
- It is very much useful in diarrhea,
- It is helpful in diabetes also.
- It helps in improving the immunological strength.
- It promotes salivary secretion as stimulates the taste buds
- It is a very good natural antioxidant.
- It helps in weight loss
- It reduces the cholesterol level.
- Improves taste
- Improves digestion strength
- Improves intelligence
- It cleanses and detoxifies the uterus. So it is mostly used in postpartum care of the mother.
Side Effects of ABC Herb
- Cumin is likely safe when orally taken as food amounts and possibly safe when taken by mouth in appropriate medicinal qualities. Rarely there any side effects of cumin are known.
Safety Precautions of ABC Herb
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding: There is not reliable information about the safety of taking jeera in pregnant or breastfeeding. Stay on the safe side and so it is best to avoid its use.
- Bleeding disorders. Cumin might slow blood clotting. In books it said that cumin may make bleeding disorders worse.
- Jeera may lower blood sugar levels in some people. Watch for signs of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and monitor blood sugar carefully if you have diabetes and use cumin.
- Surgery: Cumin might lower blood sugar levels. It might interfere with blood sugar levels, so control during and after surgery. Stop the use of cumin at least 2 weeks before the scheduled surgery
Antidote of ABC Herb
Nutmeg is the ultimate antidote . It particularly act by distracting from the flavor. nutmeg may not be a suitable for all dishes.
Substitutes & Adulterants of ABC Herb
- Caraway
- Ground coriander
Adulteration: Cumin Seed – Adulteration with Grit and Sand
References & Further Reading
● https://ayushvedah.com/druginfo.php?drugid=257
● https://www.easyayurveda.com/2013/03/13/cumin-seed-benefits-usage-side-effects-ayurveda-details/amp/
● https://www.bimbima.com/ayurveda/medicinal-uses-of-cuminjeera-seeds/383/?amp#vernacular_names